Trevor Sookraj

Posts by Trevor Sookraj

How to Reach Over 1 Billion More Users with Website Localization

Marketing & Growthby Trevor Sookraj on October 11, 2017

This is a guest post from Ben Dowling, founder of the IP address API, ipinfo []. SaaS companies are always on the lookout for ways to “win the hearts” of their potential customers [] , particularly those in the developer community. To do this, you have to start with what you know about who the potential customer is. This is why personalization campaigns have emerged as valuable

How to find the right keywords for your content strategy: Lessons from a B2B SEO consultant

Marketing & Growthby Trevor Sookraj on September 18, 2017

In search engine optimization, you get out what you put in. Real rises in search traffic and higher positions in organic the SERP require dedication to a strategy. According to Bernard Huang, founder of Mushi Labs, where he's been an SEO consultant for dozens of high-growth companies, a lot of teams are skeptical about SEO. They've dabbled, but they haven't committed to a plan or seen real results. Bernard developed a playbook specifically for this reason—to help companies get the full value o

How AdRoll drives 97% customer retention by helping customers outside the app

Marketing & Growthby Trevor Sookraj on September 13, 2017

When you're a small company, you have the time and personal relationships to be creative about customer retention. You can chat with new customers directly about their progress and what they want from your product. This gets harder as you grow your customer base, but it remains just as important to retain your existing customers []. It's just as necessary to show that you're invested in the success of customers, but you don't have the

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